I’ve been getting asked a lot lately if I mentor for newborn photography in Utah. Which is funny to me because I feel like I’m finally actually starting to figure this newborn photography thing out. It is flattering though. I never hate the messages by any means. I will definitely say finding a mentor was crucial throughout my photography journey. I’ve had quite a few along the way. I’ve taken video workshops from Keri Meyers Photography as well as Kelly Brown with Little Pieces Photography. I’ve mentored with Nicole from Charlie & Violet in Minnesota and grew so much through that experience. Recently I did live online workshops with Nikki Crinity Photography and can’t say enough about her and the information she provides in those. I’m always continuing my education in photography so I can grow in my craft and better serve my clients. And I encourage those that are trying to do the same, to seek out a mentor or find online workshops to do that. I might mentor someday when I don’t have little kids at home all day and can dedicate more time to it. But for now I’ll continue learning and getting better. Check out this sweet little honey. She hated me but guess what? I still win because look at these images. Mom and dad are going to love these for years to come. What an investment for their family. Congratulations on your sweet baby girl!